sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Paola, Lidia and Sarai's class

Today, I'm gonna be brief since we in general have improved a lot and each time there's less and less to enhance. I guess that's a good thing.

The class was about the reading skill of the professions and they did a very good job in general.

She started with the first part of the class with very good activities and the thing I want to remark the most is that she taught a lot of vocabulary. At the beggining I was afraid that the kids would not memorize all of that, but at the end the kids learnt all of those and it was great.

The only thing I guess she has to take into account is that for kids it is kind of boring and exhausting to sit down time after time in the floor and in the desks again. But im general the activities were just fine. She also did a great monitoring.

Her tone of voice was great and the activities were also well developed, but she made the kids draw, that is something that, again, we should avoid at any cost. But at the end she did a great job with the kids and the timing was just good.

Things that I liked:
•Their voice projection
•The monitoring
•The activities
•The vocabulary

Things to improve:
•Avoid the drawing activity
•Standing up, sitting in the floor and in the desks over and over

I guess that's it. Great job girls. And peace to you all guys.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Danny, I was reading your blog, first I want to say that I agree with you specally when you say that was standing and sitting all of times maybe is not necesary, we can do it but not abuse of that. They did a really good job and good eperformance.

  2. Hello Daniel !
    I agree with you they have improved a lot as a group,One thing that I also liked a lot was that they were always monitoring what the children were doing,I also agree that we have to be careful of the times when we stand up and sit the children as it is very annoying to get up and sit down that if the next activity tries to remain seated on the floor there is no need to put the children standing to put them back on the floor. i think that was a good class thanks for share your opinion with us!

  3. Hi Daniel, I like the way you write your blog because you go exactly to the important points. I share your opinion of the class when you say that we would no longer use the drawing activity or others that have been repeated many times because the children are bored with them. On the other hand, I think that all the other activities developed by the girls were creative and different. Teachers always have to innovate the way of teaching because students easily become bored with the same activities. For the rest I think the girls had to do a good job.
