sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018

How to punish a kid.

Hello everybody, for me it is a pleasure to make this entrance in my blog to talk a little bit about “How to punish a kid”. As I already explained in class there is a lot to take into consideration when we talk about correcting a kid. One just cannot come and call the kid’s attention in a rude way. We have to remember that they are very sensible of mind, since they are absorbing everything around them this could be dangerous, they can accept your words and reply this to their classmates, family or in the future to their children. Also, this can affect their social skills, since screaming at them will make them feel way more afraid than if we correct them in a sweet way, and they can grow with severe auto esteem problems; believing that he or she is always making the things in a wrong way or that they are useless for everything. We as educators are not allowed to do this despicable action.
So, teachers, my recommendations are the following.
1.       Get close to the kids and tell them softly what they are doing wrong: this may seem very obvious, but is the clearest way to correct a bad behavior, tell them to take into consideration that his or her behavior is not fair for the other students who are doing the effort of behaving well, and that want to pay attention to the class or receiving it without any disturbing from his or her behalf (obviously in a way that they can understand).

2.       Positive conditioning: or also known as positive reinforcing. This can be done by prizing the good behaviors and not celebrating or even ignoring the bad behavior. In this way the kids will realize that they can be spotted by doing the things right and not behaving in an inappropriate way.

3.       Behaving chart: this consists in making in the board three spaces, one that has a happy face, another with a poker face, and the third one with a sad face. The names of all the students will start in the happy face, and if someone starts on behaving in a different way, his or her name will be downgraded to the poker or the sad face. In this way the kids will notice if they are doing right or bad.

So, these are my recommendations for you, I really hope you can apply this to your classes and have a wonderful experience teaching classes. Blessings.

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