sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2018

Paola, Lidia and Saraí's class

Hello everyone, good day. In this occassion I would like to give you my personal oppinion on Paola, Lidia and Sarai's class about grammar of "he is", "she is", "who is she", "who is he", "who are they", even though I was not present due to an activity I had outside the University and made me assist just to the class of 3:00 pm. Either way, I had help with notes that some friends lent me so that I can give my oppinion on the class. To begin, students seemed to rememver last topic, which was demonstrated on the Warm up that Paola developed. One of the things that seems pretty important to me is the usage of pictures and images, in this case about family members, because some of the kids may feel remembering last topic kind of difficult and this can help them in an explendidous way. Kids, as I could read, seemed kind of distracted and in the developed of the class the teachers didn't seem strong in making them pay attention. But this is very understandable, since I imagine myself walking a mile on their shoes, and for me it would be (and probaby will be) difficult to make the kids pay attention, since I consider myself as a soft person. To continue with the class. Some monitoring deficience was observed, perhaps being constantly watching the work of the kids is one of the things that the teacher may see hard to do, but we have to, since it is our main concern, making them work and not making sure of it may bring troubles to kids at the time of doing an exam, since we really didn't care if they learnt something or not.

Lidia made an activity that I really liked, even though I didn't see, the comparing activity is alway a good idea, is the ideal opportunity for the kids to correct something that they are not sure about. And also it increases the security of the kids if they are right.

Another good thing I was informed they did is asking in a correct way if they understood the topics, I guess we have to be sure if what we are teaching is being well percieved for the kids, and in this point at least on the side of Paola was accomplished, it is important to remark that this was seen in the presentation phase, and not in the activities which I explain previously on this blog.

In my oppinion it looked like a good class, kids still are being used to assist to this classes and that's why they present this behaving. It is a shame that I was not present to apport a better and more personal point of view. We'll see in the next occassion. Love, Danny.

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